Saturday, December 6, 2008


  Ben and Rachel have been very busy.  Two teams went on fri. One of Ben's teams and one of Rachel's teams. It is very difficult to run all four teams after school.  It works out that B + R can run two teams per night after school. The dogs all get run just not on the same night. Fri. was dance night for Ben and Rachel. After the dance they both had a sleep over at a friends house. Today they are both tired but just got finished running two teams each. 
  Rachel is having some leader trouble and is outside working on that issue. All the dogs are run watered and ready for food. 
   We are trying a new formula for watering this year. It is developed by a Vet and the dogs love the taste of it. I don't know what the physical benefits are if any. I just know that they like to drink it and getting water in the dogs can be half the battle. 
   I leave tomorrow so I will leave a long list of reminders for Ben and Rachel. Things that they can do to keep the training positive and to get it done. I won't be here to give orders. HA,ha.  I will do my best to keep everyone informed while I am gone.
  Talk to ya later 

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