Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Some snow and some good runs

Today Ben and Rachel ran a team of six each after school. Ben ran Finder, Willow Team and Rachel ran the Nadie, Overtime team. The teams ran four miles each.  There were no problems reported from Ben or Rachel.  I asked them which comment would fit their team. HOLY SHIT ARE THEY EVER GOING FAST. or HOLY SHIT THIS TEAM IS RUNNING LIKE CRAP. Both Ben and Rachel said it was the first comment that fit the description of their team best. So both were happy with the teams performance.
  Leanne went out with the ski-doo and the drag to drag the training trail. The drag pushes snow while the snowmobile pulls it.  She said that she stopped to take the snow off the drag. When she started to pull the drag again she felt a tug and then it got easy to pull. She thought wow it is easy to pull with the snow is taken off. She went all the way around the trail and didn't realize that the drag wasn't even behind the ski-doo. She was driving along the trail and noticed something on the trail. She looked ahead and  wondered what the heck is that on the trail. IT was the drag sitting where it had broke off the ski-doo. LOL.  Oh well that is how you learn about draggin the trail. I think that the ski-doo needs a new rear view mirror.
  The trail will be flatter with less dips and holes in the surface. This means that Ben and Rachel can start to really speed their teams up and it isn't a moment too soon. The dogs have to be going much faster than they are if they want to be competitive in the early races.  The speed training on the flat trails help that allot to speed the dogs up.  Everyone did a great job today and if they keep it up the teams will be hard to beat.
  That's all 4 now.

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