Monday, December 15, 2008

Training held over until Monday

  Hi The weather did n0t cooperate for Ben and Rachel on Sunday. It was too cold to train safely. Ben was home on Monday. Ben was able to train one of his six dog teams four miles and trained his second team an interval. Ben said that all the dogs ran good. Ben had a leader not want to lead early in the year. Ben laid him off by putting him farther back in the team for several runs. Ben put him back in lead and he did great. That was good news. 
  Rachel had no complaints about her run. Rachel is training a new female leader named Honey and she is doing very well. Rachel ran one team intervals today. Leanne ran Rachel's other team for a four mile run today. all training is up to date
  I got contacted by a friend that was wondering if we needed a handler this winter. A handler is someone that spends the winter with our family and helps handle dogs. I said sure as long as he will work out. We will need him to travel to races with us. He will also need to train dogs for us and help with what ever he can around the yard. I haven't met him but will when I arrive back home. Let's hope that he works out for the season. That would be great !   
  I will be talking to Ben and Rachel soon to see what their training plans are. I am not sure what we will plan yet. It will be up to how the dogs looked in the last training run. Talk to you all later

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