Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the cold weather broke

   Yesterday the cold weather gave us a break. Rachel trained two of her teams. They were ready to go I can tell you that. A little too much time off during the cold period. It was nice to see them run and they did excellent. Top speed is climbing up and the average speed throughout the run looks better all the time. Ben did not run as he was gone being social at a friends house. 
 It is getting so close to the racing season. The dog truck was back in the shop with some problems. I just wanted to add a by-pass filter.  The filter needed a return line into the oil pan. We all attempted to put the plug into the oil pan while the pan was still in the truck. I opted for this option because the cost related to pulling the engine out to get at removing the oil pan. The welder attempted the to weld the plug in but it leaked. Then he attempted to weld in further the heat from the welder burned out the oil pan gasket and we had to pull the engine anyway. IT was not low on the stress level. I just got the truck back yesterday. It has been put together beautifully by Bernie. It was also quit a bit quieter when I picked it up. After 200 clicks the noise is back. Oh well we will figure that out too down the road. 
  Rachel and Ben will train today again and we will take some time off for Christmas and will soon be on our way to the first races of the season. The worming needs to be done again and the nails clipped on the dogs well before the first race. Things are going pretty smoothly right now. 
  I will keep in touch with everyone.

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