Thursday, December 4, 2008

more training

  The dogs had some more days off. We had a family meeting on Weds because we were in need to discuss up coming races.  This year the race in Fort. Nelson is held later. This means that the race after in Taylor is a week later. This brings us passed any holidays that the kids would have.
  Ben is in high school. He says it is too difficult for him to miss that much school. He would like to go but right now Ben  is struggling with his decision whether to go or stay. Or go and race Ft. Nelson and take the bus back home so he is home before his exams.Rachel on the other hand gets homework that she is able to do on the road. If she misses time it is not as difficult as when Ben misses it.
  Rachel has come up with a solution. Rachel would run all the dog teams! the four six and eight dog classes.  Rachel named her dog team out loud on the spot. I asked her if she would feel safe with eight. She said it is only two more dogs than six Dad. I asked her what would happen if she got them all tangled up in a race. She simply said that the girls all listen to her really good and she will carry two snow hooks. It is a goal to run eight dogs now.  I imagine that she will try and lwork her best toward that.

  SO far I  would have to say good for her. I  would be concerned with her safety. I also know how much control she has with the sled dogs. 
  I am unable to sit and blog for very long due to my back pain. Please check back again soon Thanks for checking in

1 comment:

Connie said...

Wow, that is a bit scary Rachel. But if anyone can do it you can.
You Go Girl