Monday, December 22, 2008

Back at the kennel

  Hello everyone. I finally am back. I didn't get many reports while I was gone. I did write a couple more blogs but they did not publish proper.  Rachel and Ben have been running dogs up until last Thurs. The weather decided to drop to a point that is beyond our cut off of minus 25 Celsius These temperatures for a cut off are laughable for longer distance mushers. Their dogs have to get use to moving at these temperatures and beyond. For sprint dogs it is just too hard on them to take them out and run the speeds they go at temperatures this cold.
  We have found a Handler from Germany. I should say he found us through a friend. I haven't met him yet but have talked to him. This is a good thing for us. The help will be very much needed and appreciated  by us here. The plan is still to go race. What is needed now is to put the racing teams together for some runs to see who is fast enough for race speeds. It had snowed here more than a week ago and the trails are nice and flat. It will be good enough for some speed training. 
   I hope this cold weather breaks soon. It is nice when you can get some runs on the dogs prior to Christmas holidays. If you can then you can take Christmas off with no runs at all. The weather is cold enough to bring dogs in. We bring them in to travel kennels that are located in the feed shack. The "feed shack" is a small building that has a wood stove in it and is heated. We keep enough dog food in the building to mix food for a week at a time. The meat is brought in the "feed shack ' to thaw out so we can mix it easier. It saves bringing dog food into the house which we have done for many years.
    With weather like this there is nothing to do but feed the dogs and add straw to their houses. Everyone here did an excellent job while I was gone.  I am very happy to be back home and back near the kennel.  talk to you later

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