Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another great day in the Yukon.

Today Ben and Rachel trained another four teams with sleds. They all did good. Ben's team is experiencing some temporary leader difficulty. The whole family sat down and tried to trouble shoot the problem. We think we have a solution for next training run and will try and implement the solution.

The dogs get two days off. Then back at the miles. Ben and Rachel have become very good dog drivers and it has made it easier each year to coach them. The teams this year finds a lot of yearlings to train. This makes it interesting as you never know what could happen. We do our best to have major consistency while training but you never know what comes your way out on the trails. Ben and Rachel are doing their best to train new leaders every yr. It looks like there will be some good ones up and coming. Time will tell. Our training system makes sure that new leaders (or young dogs) are not pushed too hard until we are sure they are ready.

The trail has little snow on it and it makes it rough so we are keeping the speed down to around 16-17 MPH. That is probably a little fast for the conditions but the dogs have to "roll" as soon as possible to develope the right muscles. The trail will be groomed when the dogs have days off. Hopefully . IT will snow some more during the dogs rest period.

I think that some of the life lessons Ben and Rachel learn happen because they are dealing with dogs and the rest of their family so close all winter long. I will talk about that later on one of my blogs. For now the team and Ben and Rachel are having some very good days.

Talk to you all later.


Susan Rae said...

Ben and Rachel - we wish you the best for the up coming season and look forward to hearing all about your adventures. Leanne and Darren, enjoy the training season and good luck with the puppies. May you have good snow.

Brenda Arnold said...

Nice to read about the "team". Will look forward to hearing more during the season. Must be a lot of work with that many dogs, training and feeding them all. One keeps me busy enough.