Thursday, November 20, 2008

It snowed a little today.

We will take what ever snow comes our way. Leanne ran one of two of the four teams today. This makes it easier for the Kids after school. If they had to run two teams each it would be getting late before they were done. Later on they should have one main team each to run. One team will be left over of injuries that they may have gotten. Sick dogs, Dogs that can't quite make the team because they are too slow now etc etc.
We work with them all to keep them in shape in case the kids need a replacement for their main team. Injuries do happen but rarely around here. This year could be a bad year for injuries because the lack of snow on the trail. It is rough and dogs can pick up injuries running fast on trails with defects bad enough.
Any sick dogs we nurse back to health. They may have gotten sick and missed some training runs with the main team. missed training can put a dog behind then it will get dropped and put back in a team that is running a little slower. Dogs that are not making the speed are put in a slower team and asessed. They could be slightly hurt or the speed scares them because they are just not capable of the required speed. Those dogs are usually sold to mushers who travel greater distances at a slower speed. Sometimes dogs like that fit right in at slower speeds.
I think I said something about talking about sleds soon. I will do that later on. For now the training is back on. I am not sure if Ben and Rachel are racing this week-end. If not we will take the team to a different trail system and run. The hope is to find a really wide trail where they can meet head on and pass one another. This is good training for the new dogs.
If they race we will be sure to keep everyone up to date on their results. That is our day for today thanks for checkin in

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