Monday, November 24, 2008

A well deserved day off

  Every one here has earned their day off.  Dogs too. I can't believe how quick that those dogs recover from strenuous exercise. It has always amazed me. I think it helps being in this stage of training. It is before too many miles get put on their bodies. It seems when attitude is high recovery is faster. Or at least appears to be such.
 When I ran further distances I have seen dogs act differently. If the dogs  aren't jumping around and all happy while at rest in the dog yard you know then something is up. It is called a sour dog and you really see it when you hook them up to go out for a training run. The dogs could care less. This is time to give the dogs some more time off and some TLC.
  I ran dogs myself since 1987 that is when I started getting involved. I was hooked right away. It was like it was in my blood waiting to be discovered. I really liked all animals as I grew up. I always wanted to be a vet. Then I wanted to just work with animals in one level or another. It was a perfect fit. I had allot to learn about dogs and more to learn about looking after multiple dogs. The great thing about it is I didn't have to go to school to do it. 
  I carried on with the dogs mostly because work was scarce in the winters for carpenter and that is what I was doing at the time. Dog racing occupied my time in the winters. It took me to many places. I have learned lots about it and am still learning everyday. I moved to the North to learn that the southern style of racing dogs was pretty well non existent up here in the Yukon. I was used to sprint races up to thirty five miles.  Up here the longer distance races were king. So I shifted my breeding program and training so I could participate in the local races. 
 At this time in my life I had a young family. I didn't get to all the races for one reason or another. It was usually lack of funds or lack of time. I stuck with it though.
  When we moved here to the property we have now,  the training got easier. I could train out my back door. Where I was before it took allot of effort to go out and train. I was usually hauling the dogs with the truck to a dog training trail I could train on or staying at a friends house where he had decent training trails.
We stayed with it. Our dogs got better we got more competitive. I was making plans to race in stage races. Races where you run a certain distance and then stop for the night. The next day it is the same thing. This can go on for 5-8 days of racing. I was putting together a team for this type of racing.
  It turned out that I also started a touring business called WILD N' REST ADVENTURES. I made a huge business plan. The business was starting to get real busy. I was booking between races and kept dogs just for touring. The business was at a place where I was going to have to hire a guide. I was very busy but very happy.
  It was in 2000 when at work I had a wall come down on me and  crush some discs in my spine and damaged lots of other parts of my body. I tried to get back to work and mushing but it has not happened. I was forced to sell my kennel. Hans Gatt took most of them and raced them successfully in races as other mushers did the same. I kept some of the breeding stock that I thought would build a good dog team if it ever happen that we started to race again. I don't even consider racing dogs myself as part of my future any more.
  Leanne and I asked the kids if they would be interested in mushing the dogs. They both said that they wanted too. It included a portion of the work too. I couldn't do the work that I used to do with the dogs either. To this day Ben and Rachel still race the dogs. I think we have produced ten litters since my injury and the dogs get faster every year. 
  I love being involved and go to more races now than when I was racing, it is allot of fun. It is also a time that you spend with your family that is like no other. Our family talks don't happen around the kitchen table but happen in the dog truck on our way to competitions.  We spend allot of time together while traveling to races at races and while here training. 
  I would say that if it wasn't for my injury I wouldn't be doing this with my children. I say I am pretty lucky ! I keep saying I will talk about dog sleds but I never get to it. I will though sometime stay tuned.

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