Wednesday, November 26, 2008

another warm day here in the beautiful Yukon

   The weather is super nice today in the Yukon. It makes it easy to clean out the dog houses. The straw gets wet and freezes. When the weather warms up then it makes it easy to take out the old straw. The males seem to be able to pee into the doorways of their houses. It makes for allot of work for the dogs that do that. You have to change straw quite often or they get wet. It is so nice to see them on fresh dry straw. The days off of training keep Ben and Rachel busy. 
  We are still in need of snow. Four inches would be nice. The sky looks like it could snow, almost rain. I hope it doesn't snow. 
  The dogs seem to be gaining some muscle tone and strength. The meat and steady training sure change the shape that they are in.  Tomorrow Ben and Rachel will train some more six mile runs with the dogs. It looks like the dogs should be ready for our first race at the end of Dec.  Ben and Rachel will be on their Christmas break and we will stay in Fort Nelson and then on to Taylor B.C.  During the week between The Race in Fort Nelson and Taylor the racing teams will train one day. I don't know how much training will have to be done. That depends on how many dogs will be on the truck. Ben and Rachel will decide this because they do all the work. Ben and Rachel may just want to take their race teams and a couple of spare dogs. The other option would be to take all our dogs and train them all while traveling. Again this is something Rachel and Ben will have to think about. I really enjoy joining them as much as possible. Ben should have his drivers license by then and can do allot of the driving.  That is all 4 now. 


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