Friday, November 28, 2008


  This information is not what I prefer as part of this blog.  As the Pres. of the Yukon Junior Association of Mushers and a parent to children that participate in local races. I feel that this is important information to get out to the public.
   We had some trouble within the Yukon Junior Association of Mushers involving a parent and his abusive behavior. The rules and the zero tolerance policy were also not followed. The form work that is provided when you join YJAM clearly states the rules and the zero tolerance policy. Any infractions to this set rules and policy would of course lead to suspension. Any new member is required to read and sign the form work. This is true for any club or association. 
  Michael Salvisberg signed up and began to break every rule and policy we had. He received repeat warnings about his abusive behavior and ways to remedy his actions. He chose not to take the actions available to him to remedy his abusive manner.  We received No conformation from him that he did anything wrong at all. 
  The behavior began to get so bad that I had to barr him from YJAM and suspend any coaching privileges at the Arctic Winter Games. This was not done without  a solution to get him reinstated. He chose not to follow any process we laid out.  His son was not barred because of Micheal's abusive behavior.
  We helped his son at the Arctic Winter games provided team dogs, lead dogs,  sled dog racing equipment and sleds. Four days after the Arctic Winter Games  Michael Salvisberg went to the Human Rights Commission to put in a bogus complaint stating that we were bigots and predigest against Europeans namely (SWISS) This was also investigated by the registrar here in the Yukon where Micheal also went with his complaint. We were told we were within our rights to take the action we did. Micheal went to the paper to every known source to complain about us. It shed a poor light on the Association and left a shred of doubt about what was going on within the association. He has a way with dividing people. It was very clear it was his abusive behavior and temper that was the four front of the problem. We solved the problem the only way we knew how.
  We were now faced with a bogus complain brought to the Human rights commission. The executive of the association brought proof of his behavior to the commission showing that we were with in our rights to take action against the abusive behavior of Micheal Salvisberg. The complaint moved forward despite this. We were now in the position to vigorously defend the complaint thinking that he got it this far now what. We felt we needed  a lawyer.
  We set out to prove that Michaels abusive behavior was the cause and we found that his behavior has been a problem in mushing for many years and spread a vast area geographically. We made note of this and talked to race officials that had witnessed the same behaviour. This was signed witnessed accounts of his behaviour. Not hearsay. 
  We put together a thirty something page document that showed he is a problem with everyone and indeed we were not bigots and the issue was not his nationality. He then dropped the complaint like a tonne of brick. 
  We looked for a way to vindicate the association and get our money back from defending the bogus complaint. This bogus complaint took money from the hands of Junior Mushers and from our own pockets.  We looked at the commission first. There is a way in which the commission will find complaint's vexatious and frivolous. We received no help from the commission in these regards. 
  We decided to go the the Small claims court and at least get it in front of a judge. There were more cost and delays. It was very stressful for all that this concerned. The conclusion was that there was no evidence or scanty at best that we were discriminating against Michael S. The court how ever could not award us money as it was in the hands of the commission to do this.
  All this information can be seen if you Google Michael Salvisberg
 The kick is,  a local race, the Copper Haul Twister has let Micheal Salvisberg in the race as a sponsor. I was also told the he may come and race. We presented the race our reasons for not letting him get involved in the race. We knew he was capable of ruining the race and the fun that surrounds it. Remember we and officials in the sport had witnessed his abuse of his dogs, volunteers, organisers, officials and even spectators. Our concern then was obvious. We didn't want him to bring this abuse back into the sport. It was simply a concern and we wanted him removed totally from the race. That was the only solution and still is the solution and that is simply to say no. 
  The race organisers did not get back to us about any solution to the problems that we were concerned with. That left us with no avenue but to tell others who were involved with the race and not to support it if Micheal is involved period. You have to remember his behaviour is witnessed not hearsay we don't have a personal vendetta against the guy but are truly concerned about the integrity of the sport. 
 I will not subject myself or my children to this guys abuse. In the end some of the race officials and participants went ahead and complained that we were concerned about this telling us to grow up. Why wouldn't you be concerned. This is very serious!  We simply are looking out for the best interest of the sport. 
  We were treated quite rude. We received no replies to allot of our questions and concerns. It leads be to believe that the CHT twister has turned private and does not concern itself with participants that want to get involved to help keep what little integrity remains in the sport intact. 
  Copper Haul Twister remember it is your members and participants that make a race. You should listen to their concerns and take them seriously.  There was a blog stating that we should grow up. When all concerned replied to the blog because of the statement the person running the blog. (Dave Damaris north of ordinary) went ahead and deleted the replies.  Why would he bring issue with all this on his blog if he wasn't ready to get the replies that address once again our concerns.  So much for freedom of speech.
  In closing I would like to thank all that support us in our effort to protect the integrity of the sport and to help make it fun and safe for everyone that participates. The support has come from many that have put years into the sport. These people are Duffy's pets, Sean fitzgerald, aka mum, Suzie rogan and Hans Gatt, the Kinvig family and many other mushers that really care about the integrity and future of the sport.

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