Sunday, November 23, 2008

A beautiful day to train dogs

    What a great day to train. It was a perfect day to train. The kids did head on passes. This is when dog teams meet while  going in opposite directions. IT was perfect training in a controlled situation. It was better than going to a race any day. Rachel lost her team while leaving the yard. Ben went through the loop but Rachel was no where to be seen. She ran quite a ways before she found her team again. The dogs had stopped on the trail with the lead dogs siting down. Luckily no one was hurt. Rachel got them all straighted out and finished her Training run. To cut down on time Rachel and Ben are training their dog teams together at the same time. It really helps in making a shorter day for all involved. We got a little snow this evening. I hope that it will help to fill holes on the trail. The world championships are being held on Feb. 21-23 2009. This takes place in Anchorage Alaska. The dogs all looked great. Rachel had to have a talk with her leader as he decided today was a play around day while training. It wasn't long and he was working good again. I hope That the weather holds Untill we get more training runs in .

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