Tuesday, January 27, 2009

beautiful weather

  Hi everyone. beautiful weather. Yes but a little on the cool side. Mind you we will take it rather than rain. The snow fell again since my last blog. around an inch and a half. The weather is cold in the morning, around 30 below. It is okay because by the time Ben and Rachel are ready to train it has warmed up to 24 below. If they are training after school then it cools off quite a bit more by the time they get the runs in. On the week-end the temp in the afternoon is perfect. Maybe a bit on the cool side. I am scared of that warm weather ! 
  The dogs are taking some days off. The trail will be worked because of the new snow. The stick men that are on the trail will get new cloths and some ribbons put on their arms. They will also be moved to a new location.  I got this idea from the Streepers. What we did is made some people out of wood that stand up on the trial. The dogs see it and think it is something scary  the first time they run by.  Some dogs know right away it isn't going to hurt them  others act as though it is all the time. Why is probably your question. I think it has everything to do with the dogs personality. Not what they see. Or whether they are smarter than the other dogs and learn that it won't hurt them , quicker than the other dogs. Some dogs are just nervous and everything they see that is not there before becomes stress to them. It could be a stick with a flag  blowing and some dogs that seem to be more nervous than others bark like it is going to kill them when they go by it.  It is not to say that if you make your scare crow as human like as possible that dogs do not recognize it as something that has a human profile they just learn it isn't going to hurt them quicker if they have a calmer personality. I don't know if it is a calmer personality but a different personality than other dogs. They are all a little different from each other. I would rather see my dogs bark at it and run away from it as to stop and go visit every time they see something on the side of the trail.
  The point of this exercise is to get your dog team used to going by strange things they see on the trail. This could be allot of things but most things they see are photographers standing in all kinds of different positions to take pictures. If you can duplicate things the dogs will run by then in a race they will run by it without being so bothered by it.  I like it and it is funny to see some of the dogs reactions to the surprise visitors on the side of the trail.
  We would also like to duplicate a bridge and a tunnel. The world championships will have both obstacles at the race. If the dogs see and run over a bridge and through a tunnel enough times they get used to that as well. One of the problems if they see these obstacles at a race for the fist time is this. The dogs are running in the race and suddenly they are half way across a bridge when they realize it. They start to panic but the momentum of the team gets you off the bridge. If the experience startled them bad enough they will remember it. They will remember where it happened on the trail and try and stop in the same area the next day in the race when you cross the bridge again. During a race can be a difficult time to teach a team that it is Okay to cross the bridge or go under the tunnel. Most of the time if you have a well trained dog team they will manage during the race. It is better if you can get them used to it first. Why make it a bad experience for them during a race ?
  All this and other ideas for training is what makes it so much fun to train dogs. You have to think of how to duplicate what they will see at a race. If you can duplicate as many conditions you see on a race trail at different races then the dogs will be ready for it no matter where you go and race. 
  Ben and Rachel will take some more time off and train mid week or so. Then again on the week-end.

 Bye for now.

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