Sunday, January 18, 2009

More melt down

It has been warm again with the blowing wind being the snow killer. We need some cooler temp. The training trail is getting very icy as well as the yard. This is hard on dogs feet in the yard and on the training trail. We will have to fabricate a drag to pull behind the skidoo to scrape the ice off the surface of the trail.
Yesterday Ben and Rachel ran a team each. They are now running eight dogs each. This makes it easier to train. There is a eight dog team left over for Florian and he trains them. This way Ben and Rachel only have to hook up once each on a training day. Helps a bit for their time schedule with other activities makes it hard to train two teams each. If they intend on racing into the future it will not be this easy for them. When they race bigger teams this means more dogs to train up for each racing season. This will be the future for them if they stay at it. Time will tell. For now we will be happy with a decent trail and some steady training leading up to the Junior World Championships.
Two teams will go today, conditions willing. Ben went skiing today again and will train later today. Rachel is home and will train her team this morning and another one with the new dogs.

Talk to ya all later. Here is hoping our trail stays.

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