Thursday, January 1, 2009

Better late than later

 Sorry I have been out of the typing mode. I will do my best to catch up.  We now have our helper Florian Hill.  He has done some helping of other kennels. This can at times be a problem as some of this kind of helpers have their ideas about how they should do things. This idea comes from what they have learnt from other mushers. We are in need of help that can learn our way of doing things. This would be the same for any other musher. Everyone of us do things somewhat differently. 
  Florian is great so far! I do not fore see that changing. He is patient enough for Ben and Rachel.. He even listens to Rachel tell him things to do. It is great so far. He stays busy and is very manner full around the rest of the family. He seems very interested in learning every day. What a big help for Leanne, Ben and Rachel. It sure makes a difference to have the help.
   Our friend stopped by on Monday night They were off to the same races as us. Arleigh Reynolds and his helper stopped by. We had a good visit. He wanted to get away early in the morning. When Arleigh went to start up the truck it started no problem but it soon died. IT would not start again. The whole system acted like it was dead. We talked to everyone in town that was booked solid until the end of Jan. for ideas. I then tested the batteries and they were low on power.  I went to town and picked up two new batteries and an alternator.  
  I have not talked to Arleigh yet but I am hoping he made it from our house to Ft. Nelson. I didn't see him on the hi-way from Whitehorse. We all made it to our destination in Ft. Nelson and we will prepare for the race this coming weekend.
    We had a good trip and are looking forward to the weekend of racing. I will do my best to keep in touch with you all as things unfold

1 comment:

Connie said...

Glad to hear your helper is good. Good luck!!!