Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sat. day one

  Today Rachel and Ben raced and it was 37 below C. It was cold. I mean cold. I told Ben and Rachel that it was totally up to them whether they ran or not. I almost said stay and not run. They really wanted to so I let them go.
  Ben and Rachel ran in the six dog race. The race was approx. six miles. Ben was third. He had a great run. Rachel was held back to sixth place due to trouble passing. It is hard because this race is mass start so every team leaves at the same time. This style of race does not leave the fastest team to win. IT is the one that has the least trouble with passing and being crowded in by other teams. Rachel was okay with the results. Rachel also ran new young dogs. The point of this race is to give the dogs experience. That was done and done well. Today was a success for both teams and the young dogs in each team.
  Tomorrow is the same trail and Rachel and Ben can switch dogs for the second day. I hope it is a little warmer tomorrow. 
  Talk to you later on

1 comment:

Connie said...

Way to go Ben, Way to go Rachel
I can't even image how hard that must be for all of you and the dogs when it is so cold.