Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another successful training day.

Florian ran a team of eight here today. Ben and Rachel each ran 8 dogs. The weather is warm and the snow is getting soft. We hope the warm doesn't stay too long. Florian ran a four mile to day. Some of the dogs I think were nervous having a new driver. That will get better the more he runs. The trail is in excellent shape. We have been looking after it on a daily basic now that Florian is here. All the snow that we had has packed down nice. The warm weather will tighten the snow up so it is even harder.
Ben and Rachel will need to train their teams hard this month to prepair for any races that are looming around the corner. We are looking forward to going to the races. Some races are hard to get info from. We will be looking to find the next best race to go to.
Ben ran his team of eight six miles. It was very warm but the team did well. Whenever I saw the dogs they all looked great.
Rachel ran her team today as well. They looked alittle sick of the routine at this point. They need a slight atitude adjustment. Other than that the teams look great.

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