Monday, February 2, 2009

Dogs are lookin good

  The weather has co-operated lately so Ben and Rachel could get some good training in.  The dogs are ready that is all I can say. They have never looked so good.  It makes it difficult now to keep the team ready for the next race. We are doing some maintenance runs. The only way this can happen is to decide what is 75% of their top speed.  There is no reason to run them at 100% when we do our training.  Ben and Rachel reach near top speed on their intravels. Not when they are running their six mile runs. When the world championships are nearer we will taper the training and peak them before the race. 
  With out racing Ben and Rachel have untried leaders to race at the worlds. This is something we  are not used to. We usually prepare by participating at more races so the leaders know what they are doing. This just hasn't been possible this year. Oh well it is different every year. You try to keep your season's consistent with each year as far as how many races you go to and your training but there are variables that are not in our control. 
  Ben and Rachel have been supported by many sponsors this year. Grandma and Grandpa Kinvig. Grandma and Grandma and Grandpa Labbie. Paint en Place. This is an auto body shop and friends of ours. Smith drill bits. This is a company that supplies drill bits to drilling rigs. They are also friends of ours. Minconsult. A mining consultant from B.C. They work in the Yukon. Donald Banks. Another friend here in the Yukon. Kal Tire Yukon. They work hard at keeping tires on the truck and keeping it running.  Sport Yukon has just recently came on board to help Ben and Rachel. We have many many friends that help out.  All these sponsors are key to getting us down the road to the races.  We appreciate them all. 
  Not long now to the World championships. We are hoping that Anchorage gets some snow for the World Championships. There wasn't any there not long ago so here's hoping.
  We will keep in touch as the world's gets closer and fill everyone in on the preparation. Then on the trip and finally the results. We are looking forward to that.

  Talk to you later

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