Thursday, December 23, 2010

traveling to Anchorage Alaska

We made it to our good friends house yesterday. We are so happy to be here. The weather coming this way was very cold. Now we are here the weather is much better. Rachel ran her team last on Sun. It was 25 below at home in the Yukon too. Rachel ran the dogs very slow in the cold and the dogs looked good. We left home on Tuesday morning a little later than first planned. Dog are ready to race on Boxing day at Rachel's first race. We stopped in Tok on our way and picked up a female that had been there raising puppies for a friend of mine. Now they have some great dogs to start with.
We are all wrapping the gifts and getting ready for christmas here at the Summer's house in Anchorage Alaska. Lots of fun. for us here and will get to race later on. Merry Christmas.

We are looking forward to it.

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