Saturday, December 4, 2010


Well the weather warmed up again. We ran our first six mile runs on our trail system. Finally. It was soft but not too bad. The weather was four below and the dogs were hot. They could handle it really good this season. Due to the very warm year last year our young dogs got conditioned to the warmer weather. The trick is to get them used to the weather but not over do it the first year. IF you do they become worse and have less heat resistance. Their first year is very important in a dogs life. You can really really see the difference in dogs that trained in their first year and ones that never did as much training. We really looked after them and they are really looking good this year because of it. The dogs can handle the increase in miles really easy and bump up in mileage fast. It shows that all the work done during their younger years was worth while.
For now it looks like we are heading to Alaska on the 20th of Dec. or so. Staying in Anchorage the whole time and racing where ever they will have us. LOL. There should be ample time to go ski and other things during this time. We will also do a second trip to Alaska in Feb. We will run the Junior worlds then. We also want to bring very nice young man from Rankin Inlet if he is able to make it. He will stay with us and run dogs. Long enough for the dogs to get used to him and then he will come with us to race the Junior world championships In Anchorage. Alaska.

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