Sunday, December 26, 2010

First race and First place.

We survived our first race. We were not organized but that is why we do this. The more you race the better you get at it. The fist time off the truck can be pretty hectic. We did it once and now the second time will be much better. Leanne ran a six dog team and a four dog team. We were not expecting to leave on her four dog race so quickly so we were not prepared at all. We made a mistake in putting her four dog team together and gave her some 11 and 10 year olds that have not been trained much this year. We did not realize that she could have raced some younger leaders in her team until she left. Her six dog team was better but had trouble under the bridge and through the tunnels and got tangled up. This is okay too. The only way to get them used to it is to run through the tunnels. This is good training. That is the only reason that Leanne runs them is to make sure that they get the exposure they need to be better racers.
The Junior races went well with Rachel winning her first of the year. Congrates to her. Ben ran in the six dog as well and was third with dogs he has not even trained since last year so good for him. All the dogs on the truck got to run. That is the idea. It will get better as the races continue. The dog teams get better and so do the dog drives. SO no problem with Rachel and her team. She did what she wanted to do. she had fun doing it too.
Our next races are the 31st for Rachel and the first and second for Leanne to take out Rachels team again in the adult classes. THis is just to expose them to as much racing as possible. We are lucky that Leanne volunteers to run these dogs for Rachel otherwise they would not get a chance to run at all.
Will keep you posted after the next Junior race. Until next time. !! Talk to you later.

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