Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It warmed up again.

Hi things got warm again. IT really tightened the trail up because it got warm and then cooled off again. making the trail really hard. The dogs ran their first set of six miles in the warm weather. They looked really good after the runs in the heat and recovered fast. This is because of the way Rachel looked after them last year. Nice to see them look this good this time of year. What a difference from last year. They look really really good already.
We R hoping to get a run in sometime this week before it gets really really cold. I hope that Ben really really helps his sister train her dogs. Got some more work to do to the truck before we leave on the 20th. Then we will be ready to roll. Then we stay in Anchorage from the 20th of Dec. Till the first week of Jan. Talk to you later.

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