Thursday, January 5, 2012

The plan

Well I don't know what we will do in the Month of Jan. Our plan was to go to Grande Prairie Alberta to an adult race so Rachel could race there. It has been cancelled/postponed until sometime in Feb. Looks like We could see all the races be scheduled for Feb March. It makes it hard to get to the races when they are all in one or two months. Now we will look for other races around our range to travel and see what we can do. Obviously the more the races we go to the better prepared we are for the AWG. This is the goal. It is also the goal for other teams to challenge Rachel to her races. There are some very capable teams just inside the Alaska. lots in Northern NWT. So no cake walk for Rachel this year. We have allot of work ahead of us.

The dogs are ready to run longer runs now. We need to increase their endurance without taking away the teams speed. We also have to increase our speed and bring up our total average speed over the distance. It is dropping slightly due to the extra amounts of loose snow we are running due to the weather. Other than that the team is looking pretty good. Can't wait to see what they will do when drove hard in a race? Should be under 17 minutes in six miles. We must run eight miles in under 24 minutes. Should be interesting.
We also took some puppies from a friend of ours in Tok Alaska. they are ready to run and be harness broke. So we also have puppies to train. Four of them need to be trained so we need to split up some of the adult dogs to help train puppies. One dog turned out to be too much of a fighter and they stopped running her. The other dog started to quit on Roni's team and just didn't want to run anymore. Would quit in the same place every time she ran. the third puppy I am not too sure about but they just didn't want to harness break them. We are excited to get them started. We are looking forward to some of these dogs contributing to our kennel. '

We will keep you all posted to what happens next.
Thanks again to all our sponsors. It has been a great help so far and are excited to go on our next trip.

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