Friday, January 27, 2012

more training and grooming.

The snow never stops here this year. Moose also are looking for a nice packed trail to use. the wolves are back on another tour behind our place around the trails. when this happens the caribou and Moose scatter. When they scatter like this eventually they find the trail. When they do they bee line it straight down the trail to get some speed to put some distance between them and the wolves. Then it won't be long and we will be grooming the trail and big long wolf turds full of moose or caribou hair will be dropped along the trail. Then everything settles again until their next trip through the area hunting.
I spent some time over at the race trail for the arctic winter games. Pretty well have all the trails marked out now. It will be a matter of keeping up with the snow and hoping people in the area respect the trail and leave it as they find it. It makes it very difficult to have your sport venue in a public place where anyone can be on the race trail.
The eight mile loop is a old trappers trail. It winds it way through the bush and will be a very exciting trail for the Mushers to speed through. There is still lots of work to do on this trail but it will get done.
The six mile loop is mostly on a lake surface. Easy to put in but hard to maintain. Wind new snow and snow mobilers can wipe it out in a hurry. We have the new groomer on the way. I hope It will make a good trail in most conditions.
The four mile stays on the bush trails and has many turns on it as well.
Rachel/s teams are awesome and they are fit and ready to race. Problem is no where to race yet. So will keep you informed when we go.

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