Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Holed up at home

Well things are not great right now. Weather has us holed up in the house. No training at these temperatures.
Before the temps dropped Rachel was training a 10 dog team. The theory is that she needs to put on eight mile runs. There is a big elevations change on the 8 mile loop. There is lots of short climbs that can really slow an average down. So we added two more dogs to her team and now she also has an increadable amount of power now for climbing up the elevation changes along the trail. Plus this gives Rachel and myself a easier training regime this way.
When we came back from Alaska we brought back the new females. there were three of them and now we have four from a female of ours named Stryker and a male of a friend of ours from Tanacross Alaska. Rachel is harness training the three females and keeping our other dogs trained up. They should be able to race this season as well once there are a few more runs on them.
No snow at our races down south. So we are unable to go there. Too cold here to even train now but got good runs on them before we had to shut down the training. It won't be long and the weather will change and warm up. Then we will be right back to where we left off. Not sure what the next race will be but will be there as soon as we can get there.
I have to work on a new drag. Because we are putting on the AWG dog racing near our place. We will get a new one shipped up to us from Wisconsin. This trail groomer will repair hardened trail to the point that If it rains on top of the snow it will scrape if off and repair any damage to the surface of the trail.
The AWG dog mushing is being held very close to our place so we don't have far to go to fix and work on trail for the Games.
Our plan is to try and get to a race in Ft. St. James. that would be a good one to go to. Then we shall be back home for the games. Then for the remainder of march I am not sure of yet. depends on what Rachel has time for as well.

Talk to you again soon

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