Saturday, January 2, 2010

WOW the racing is good

Jan. first found us all at the track in Anchorage getting ready for Ben and Rachel to race. We were right at home here at the Summer's home. I cannot thank them enough for making this trip possible.
Ben ran in the seven dog class and Rachel ran in the five dog class. Same as they will race at the Arctic Winter Games. Ben was first and Rachel also won her five dog race. There was a total of 52 dog teams signed up that means 52 junior racers wow. That was in the one,two. three, five and seven dog classes combined. In the Yukon we cannot even get kids to fill free spots on our arctic winter games team. Here it is a different story. The dogs looked good through out the race and were not pushed too hard during the race. Really young dogs.
Today was Leanne's turn. She was told that these were simply training runs for all the yearlings on the truck. We are here in Anchorage racing the fastest limited class dog teams in the world. These dogs are fast. The drivers train hard and are great dog drivers.
Leanne ran the four dog team first consisting of new leaders and young dogs. She was second with a great time. I do not have the times in front of me but you can go to asdra site to see the times. Leanne then ran the six dog team and was fourth which is awesome because the four team dogs were yearlings again. she was 17 minutes 48 seconds so was under 18 minutes and that is great as well. Leanne ran the eight dog race but had lots of trouble with bridges and tunnels. After fighting with them and almost losing her team she managed to come back in thirty three minutes. Normally this would have been 24 minutes. SO Great SUCCESS. TODAY and Yesterday. Great way to bring in the new year.

Ben and Rachel were handlers today and were excellent at it. They were very easy to work with and very professional about helping their mom. I was very impressed by what they did to help their mom. THey were both in very good spirits today and were happy to see how well their dogs did racing with their mother instead of with them. GOOD JOB Ben and Rachel. I don't think it would be easy to share their dogs when they put so much work into training them.
I will catch up again tomorrow after the race sometime.

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