Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back home

Well we are home again. Leanne is recovering from her accident on the eight dog race trail. Bad fall and a bad hit on the head. We got home early this morning from Anchorage. The dogs all rode well home and were happy to be back in their dog yard. We left two dogs and a sled behind for sale and for lease. We had an excellent trip to Anchorage and did well at the races. Things were perfect for training and that was the idea in going down there to race. It was too bad that leanne got hurt.
We plan on traveling to whatever race fits into our schedule and will be Traveling back to Anchorage for the Junior Worlds. Ben will be the defending champion. Rachel will be working to gain her first championship. I will have lots of smoked fish to sell to help pay for the bills.
We took delivery of our new sled today. It looks good and is made by sleddog systems. The sled is a K-2 has a great waxable ski base and has great turning flexability. The runners or skis really tip at usable angles to the snow. It has not been test drove by Ben and Rachel yet but I think that they are going to like it. Time will tell what they think.
We all miss our american friends and look forward to staying with them again. Thanks again to the Summers for letting us stay there again. We just love it in anchorage !!!!!
We will be training again tomorrow. I have to get the new belt onto the snow machine so I can go out and groom the trail. We fried the belt last trip. Once we do a couple of easy runs on the dogs we will do some intravels and speed work. We did zero fast runs this year and did some of the fastest work so far at the races. I would feel better if we can get some fast runs in at home before our next race. the weather is nice so better get some training in before it gets cold after all it is January.

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