Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Catching up

I had to leave the kennel for more medical treatment down south. When I was away it snowed around 8-12 inches of snow. Yikes. This makes it hard for everyone here.
The tractor would not even turn over for Leanne. Ben went out to put trail in with the Yamaha snow machine. It quit. Ben walked home. The other Yamaha which is a bravo single cylinder engine. Pretty simple always runs. It would not start.
When I got home the dogs had sat for about a week. Not good. Plus we had no way to put in trail. I needed to get a new snow machine and fast. I do not like the fast part of the equation. Fast when purchasing something always leads to trouble. I found the snowmachine that would work for us. I picked it up and brought it home to rescue the Yamaha sitting on the trail. We now have a 2003 arctic cat panther two seater. It has a 570cc twin engine that produces 70 h.p. It works nice except someone removed the electric start. Which is now on the way. I bought a new one to put in. I made it out to the Yamaha on the trail. Ben said it would not run and it made some awful noises and quit. I told him he has to close all the doors that are on the front of the snowmobile or all the snow from the fresh powder will come in and freeze up the skidoo. He said ya ya he did it. guess what the doors were open and it was froze up with snow under the hood. Rachel and I got it running and got the track moving again. No problem it ran perfect. We pulled the drag around the trail with out breaking ahead with another snow machine. That is because of the power and traction of the new Actic Cat.
The trail was put in and we had to put on our training runs. Problem with this is that the trail was just put in and the surface will be soft and hard on dogs feet and muscle. Great time to hurt someone. I worked the trail as hard as I could and the teams ran on Sat. No injuries. Sunday was different. Leanne ran Ben's dogs and one got injured. SO far that is all you can see is one dog injured. Lucky. He is in the dog box being brought back to health.
After all this I found out that our snowmachine works fine. So I will sell the Arctic Cat again. This time I will sell it for more with an electric start as it should have come in the first place.

This is just a typical time here. Things go bad and when they do the trail is still priority. The trail has to be in and dogs have to keep moving all the time no matter what happens around them. It is costly time wise and in monetary ways. It is the only way to insure a fit team at the end of the day. So we pay. Hopefully we catch up and things go better for the rest of the season. We have plenty of snow now. It will take quite a while to pack the trail down since the snow fall. Then we can speed the dogs up again and get ready for the Junior world championships in Anchorage in Feb.

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Kinvig for their generous sponsorship again this year. It will go to travel cost to get to the Worlds or to the Arctic Winter Games. Thanks from Ben and Rachel.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The new sled

Hi. Ben and Rachel were able to use the new sled while training since we have been home. Rachel likes it allot and Ben says it is okay. That is a good thing. It really is a different sled. I was talking to the makers of the sled via e-mail. I was voicing my opinion in that sled being popular in the north. Danler is a widely popular sled maker. These sleds are on everyone's truck. They are nice sleds. The sled bags are formed from the front of the sled to the back. It makes the sled very aerodynamic. Or should I say it looks very aerodynamic. I bet that this in part is a reason that Danler does so well selling sleds. The sled bag comes around in front of the driver and you can crouch down and hide from the wind behind the sled bag. Other sled bags are held on with velcro and are pretty much a bag added to the sled where as the Danler has the bag and sled integrated together nicely. The sled looks fast standing still. You also pay premium for this sled. The k-2 has a semi integrated sled bag. It hangs down from the handle bars and slops to the front. the rear of the bag does not hold a shape at the back in a way in which you could get out of the wind behind it. It is a pretty good bag, not looking near as aerodynamic as the Danler Sled.
I do think that there would be a aerodynamic factor in longer races. Or races that have many miles of strong head winds. It has to make a difference on how hard the musher is to pull on the sled. SO is it a factor in time. Yes. How much is the thing that I cannot say for sure.
Handling has a huge factor on times in a dog race as well. The k-2 has a ski made by sled dog systems. The skis lean/tips very good when the sled handle bars are racked/bent into a corner. This is good to a certain point. when they tip on edge the ski will hold the sled from sliding out in a corner.sliding in corners bleeds alot of speed off of the dog team. SO don't slide right. The down side is when the runners/skis on the sled tip too much your feet are actually on top of the edge of the ski so there is a limit to the angle of attack you can use while turning. Also when you tip a ski you have less surface area of slider on the snow. Theory is this can reduce glide and speed from your runners. It puts more weight onto less surface area of sliding surface thus reducing glide. YOu need a happy medium.
The weight of the sled is also a factor. Two ways to look at this as well. Being young and very light like Ben and Rachel can pose it's difficulties with driving a sled with a fast team in and out of corners. IF the sled is too light it will skip over the snow on the corner. The edge will not hold on the corner because there is no weight on top of the edge. Too much weight and you are giving your competition a huge advantage.
There is also a very waxable surface on the ski. This is a different surface than on other sleds and I think It may be a better medium to wax. I hope it will hold the wax better as well. TIme will tell with this.
The k-2 is a happy medium with some fine tuning available to us in way of ski differences in spring tension. Another factor to fast sleds. This sled is not heavey . IT steers well with skis that tip well and are very controlable.
I like what I see in the sled but the times will tell as well. We will be going back to Anchorage for the Junior World Championships. This the same race trail that they races earlier. IT will be interesting what the times say. Although there are too many factors to say one way or another about the speed of the sled I bet it won't be slower.
Rachel and Ben trained four teams of six dogs. The dogs looked super and are really happy!! They are very happy and fit. This is the main thing. We really enjoy it when the dogs are this happy. You cannot hold back a team that is this happy. I guess the trick is to keep them like this right up until race days.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back home

Well we are home again. Leanne is recovering from her accident on the eight dog race trail. Bad fall and a bad hit on the head. We got home early this morning from Anchorage. The dogs all rode well home and were happy to be back in their dog yard. We left two dogs and a sled behind for sale and for lease. We had an excellent trip to Anchorage and did well at the races. Things were perfect for training and that was the idea in going down there to race. It was too bad that leanne got hurt.
We plan on traveling to whatever race fits into our schedule and will be Traveling back to Anchorage for the Junior Worlds. Ben will be the defending champion. Rachel will be working to gain her first championship. I will have lots of smoked fish to sell to help pay for the bills.
We took delivery of our new sled today. It looks good and is made by sleddog systems. The sled is a K-2 has a great waxable ski base and has great turning flexability. The runners or skis really tip at usable angles to the snow. It has not been test drove by Ben and Rachel yet but I think that they are going to like it. Time will tell what they think.
We all miss our american friends and look forward to staying with them again. Thanks again to the Summers for letting us stay there again. We just love it in anchorage !!!!!
We will be training again tomorrow. I have to get the new belt onto the snow machine so I can go out and groom the trail. We fried the belt last trip. Once we do a couple of easy runs on the dogs we will do some intravels and speed work. We did zero fast runs this year and did some of the fastest work so far at the races. I would feel better if we can get some fast runs in at home before our next race. the weather is nice so better get some training in before it gets cold after all it is January.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

todays racing

Hi everyone. Today Leanne raced again. She ran the four dog race. Did really good and held onto her second place finish. The six dog was good also and she held onto fourth place. The eight dog on the other hand was not good. She had dogs that would not go through the bridges again and she lost the team grabbed her sled as it was going by. The team was dragging her down the trail and she hit her head on a tree and into a snow fence. The trail helpers asked if she wanted to turn around and go back. She said no and finished the race with her eight dogs and got paid for her position which was seventh. I think she is okay but has some really bad swelling on her upper jaw down along her ear. It was not good and I was disappointed that she did not make it through her effort of dog racing with out mishap. This is common for Leanne and she retired long ago because of it. Thanks to her the young dogs got to run and she did excellent among the fasted teams in the world. We take tomorrow off and then leave for home on tuesday.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Hi again sorry but I cannot down load the results. Please go google asdra for the results. Alaska sled dog racing association. When you are there you will see the results for Ben and Rachel's new years race. Also look for the adult races there you will find the results for Leanne. good luck hunting and I hope to have links up asap.

WOW the racing is good

Jan. first found us all at the track in Anchorage getting ready for Ben and Rachel to race. We were right at home here at the Summer's home. I cannot thank them enough for making this trip possible.
Ben ran in the seven dog class and Rachel ran in the five dog class. Same as they will race at the Arctic Winter Games. Ben was first and Rachel also won her five dog race. There was a total of 52 dog teams signed up that means 52 junior racers wow. That was in the one,two. three, five and seven dog classes combined. In the Yukon we cannot even get kids to fill free spots on our arctic winter games team. Here it is a different story. The dogs looked good through out the race and were not pushed too hard during the race. Really young dogs.
Today was Leanne's turn. She was told that these were simply training runs for all the yearlings on the truck. We are here in Anchorage racing the fastest limited class dog teams in the world. These dogs are fast. The drivers train hard and are great dog drivers.
Leanne ran the four dog team first consisting of new leaders and young dogs. She was second with a great time. I do not have the times in front of me but you can go to asdra site to see the times. Leanne then ran the six dog team and was fourth which is awesome because the four team dogs were yearlings again. she was 17 minutes 48 seconds so was under 18 minutes and that is great as well. Leanne ran the eight dog race but had lots of trouble with bridges and tunnels. After fighting with them and almost losing her team she managed to come back in thirty three minutes. Normally this would have been 24 minutes. SO Great SUCCESS. TODAY and Yesterday. Great way to bring in the new year.

Ben and Rachel were handlers today and were excellent at it. They were very easy to work with and very professional about helping their mom. I was very impressed by what they did to help their mom. THey were both in very good spirits today and were happy to see how well their dogs did racing with their mother instead of with them. GOOD JOB Ben and Rachel. I don't think it would be easy to share their dogs when they put so much work into training them.
I will catch up again tomorrow after the race sometime.