Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Yesterday we went to the tozier track in Anchorage. Track holds many popular races throughout the yr. Ben and Rachel hooked up and trained three dog teams all consisting of eight dogs. That took care of all on the truck. After our crazy tour to Valdez on our way to Anchorage Christmas day our dogs have been off schedule. Constipation, loss of appetite etc. Today they are all back to normal. Took a while to get them on a schedule. The runs Ben and Rachel had proved that the dogs are feeling better. The teams looked good and allot of poo to pick up around the truck.
After training it was off to Alyeska ski resort as promised. We are here at the resort now. The kids all went skiing last night and I am sure they will start again early this morning. Weather is perfect I am looking forward a good rest here

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