Monday, December 28, 2009

At home in Anchorage

What good friends we have here in Anchorage. They have been very helpful to us during our stay. their two girls Hannah and Morgan are dog mushers as well. They live right in the city of Anchorage in a 500o sq/ft. home up on a mountain side. Amongst many other dwellers. It makes it hard to believe that they are able to keep dogs. With so many people in the area and with all the fancy houses it just seems odd.
Deb and Nevin Summers are the owners of this great place. They are keeping 12 dogs. Their neighbors do not like dogs so they keep the dogs very quit.
Everyone lounged around today and then we are off to the race track in town to train tomorrow. We go to alyeska to ski after the dogs are done their training. This motivates Ben Rachel Morgan and Hannah to get their training done so they can ski. Great motivator. Dogs need to run in the morning so they do not get restless and start to misbehave. We are looking forward to that. Talk to you all later.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Nice to hear all. Take care, keep well (dogs too)