Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hi From Alyeska Alaska

We registered for the up coming Junior Race on Jan.1st. Leanne is also registered in the Adult class on the second and third. To have such good racing two weekends in a row is excellent for us to have. This trip is really good for the yearlings. One more day of skiing tomorrow then back to Anchorage to prepare for the races. " races" for us means to participate with the young dogs. The dogs have not been prepared to go top speed for any week end racing while we are in Alaska. We just did not get the training in we needed for that. Ben and Rachel have been busy with other activities this season that kept them away from the kennel more that usual. We have lots of time before our first main competition. I am not sure what race that may be. We can come back here to race the World Championships in Feb. I hope there is some racing to do In Jan. somewhere. That is the news here in Alaska.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Yesterday we went to the tozier track in Anchorage. Track holds many popular races throughout the yr. Ben and Rachel hooked up and trained three dog teams all consisting of eight dogs. That took care of all on the truck. After our crazy tour to Valdez on our way to Anchorage Christmas day our dogs have been off schedule. Constipation, loss of appetite etc. Today they are all back to normal. Took a while to get them on a schedule. The runs Ben and Rachel had proved that the dogs are feeling better. The teams looked good and allot of poo to pick up around the truck.
After training it was off to Alyeska ski resort as promised. We are here at the resort now. The kids all went skiing last night and I am sure they will start again early this morning. Weather is perfect I am looking forward a good rest here

Monday, December 28, 2009

At home in Anchorage

What good friends we have here in Anchorage. They have been very helpful to us during our stay. their two girls Hannah and Morgan are dog mushers as well. They live right in the city of Anchorage in a 500o sq/ft. home up on a mountain side. Amongst many other dwellers. It makes it hard to believe that they are able to keep dogs. With so many people in the area and with all the fancy houses it just seems odd.
Deb and Nevin Summers are the owners of this great place. They are keeping 12 dogs. Their neighbors do not like dogs so they keep the dogs very quit.
Everyone lounged around today and then we are off to the race track in town to train tomorrow. We go to alyeska to ski after the dogs are done their training. This motivates Ben Rachel Morgan and Hannah to get their training done so they can ski. Great motivator. Dogs need to run in the morning so they do not get restless and start to misbehave. We are looking forward to that. Talk to you all later.

North to Alaska

What a trip so far. We left Christmas Day at around three P.M. We packed up and hit the road to Anchorage Alaska. We made it past the Tok cutoff. Leanne started to drive and missed a turn off. When I got up from my rest and started to drive I noticed we were somewhere I was not familiar with. We had a race for the kids on the 26 in chugiak alaska. This is just outside of Anchorage. When I started to drive the truck again I was heading down a steep pass. I did not recognize any of this area. Then I came to the bottom of the pass and I was in Valdez of all places. Leanne accidently missed the turn to Anchorage. It was six a.m. the morning or the race. I had but a few hours to get the kids to the race. The truck proved to be awesome and I managed to get to the race with a few minutes left. Leanne and I ended up for 36 hours by the time the racing on the day was done.
The point of the race was to get as many of our young dogs out as possible. which Ben and Rachel managed to do. Young leaders ran in lead through tunnels etc. The 27 found us back in chugiak to race the adult class where LEanne ran the four dog and the six dog class. Leanne ran more young dogs. Mission accomplished. It is unfortunate that we do not have any fast runs on the dogs yet this year. It is important not to run to fast even in these preliminary races. The dogs are so young yet and you do not want them to experience somthing that is not fun. So we took it easy on them and it was very warm during these races.
The dogs are off schedule as well after such a long drive. SO they are not running well nor eating and drinking well. They will come around soon.
This week will find us taking the kids to the ski hill where we will over night and ski.
We are staying with some very good friends in Anchorage and are enjoying their company. It is a great place to be such nice people. Anchorage such a nice area for dog mushing as well.
The dogs will get some training runs down at the track in Anchorage then off to the ski hill for three days. Races start again on the first of January.
Talk soon

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hi we are unable to race down south this dec/jan. One race has been postponed to next year. The one that was after this one. Taylor B.c was moved to March. We will be racing in the Arctic winter games at this time. Soo... We decided to head North to Alaska. We will go to Anchorage Alaska and stay with some really good friends. While we are there we will go to Aleska ski hill/mountain. SO Ben and Rachel will get to go snowboarding.
While we are there we will train and race as much as possible. The trails in Anchorage have tons of traffic and hazards so it is a good place to train dogs. We hope to race two races while there but do not know which ones yet.
The winter has been going good so far. The younger dogs look awesome this year. The older ones are right on pace some have retired this year. We are all excited to see how they are doing in comparison to other teams. All this preparation is for one race and that is the arctic winter games in Alberta this year.
I hope you are all following again this season. I have not been blogging much lately.
We have changed dog trucks from Ford to Dodge. The dodge is a great truck with awesome mileage and great amount of power. GReat dog truck and is loaded with all the comforts to make travel as best as can be.
Today we will train some faster runs. Depending on the trail conditions and the temperature. We will then watch our speed/average in the runs to see where the team is at and eliminate any dogs that are unable to make that speed. we won't have many that won't make it this year due to the young age.
Talk to ya later with the next update.