Thursday, March 8, 2012

Arctic Winter Games

WOW we are almost finished. It has been very very busy here in WHitehorse. Like I said it has been so hectic and busy leading up to the games. The trail is done and the competitors are ready. The first day went well. We had practice runs with all but a few competitors going to the practice runs. Kat and Rachel did their practice runs the week before so we didn't have to do them the day of the competitions training runs. They helped on the competitors practice days and had a look at the competition. IT was great to have them help and not have to hook up their dogs as well as help every one else.
Day one of competition went very well. Rachel ran the 10 km and kat ran the 7.5 km. Kat got gold and Rachel also got gold on day one !! they only trained one day as the competition did but neither Kat nor Rachel ever ran these particular race trails. So that was fantastic. I was very happy and proud of my mushers. That put Rachel 7 golds for 7 races in the Arctic winter games. It was awesome.
Day two kat ran the 7.5 and Rachel ran the 14.5 km race. Kat seemed to have some trouble on this day but was able to bronze. Rachel raced her longest run and she also got a gold metal. That is 8 gold for 8 races in AWG history. Fantastic for her. We are not done. We still have tomorrow so stay tuned and we will try and get you informed.
It seems that the minor problems that started with Kat training the dogs has turned into chronic troubles. Not sure what to do but Rachel will have to really correct dogs if this continues to happen into the future. If Rachel chooses to race next year we need to breed our dogs and make some puppies. It is time to grow and sell some. exciting young dogs in our future.

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