Monday, February 20, 2012

junior world championships

Another Jr. WOrlds are done. Rachel and Kat did awesome. Both had good races considering. Our kennel has not raced since the new year. In a last minute decision Rachel switched dogs from her main team from the 7 dog to the 5 dog. I was shocked when I heard this decision. I never said much (as it would not make a diff. anyway) and was more worried for Kat than anything. She had a few runs on our dogs at home before we left and now she will be racing some more dogs she doesn't know. That had me worried.
However. Rachel was absolutely right in making this decision. Rachel took out some of her main dogs. Put them in Kat's team because of over heating fears. Such a good idea Rachel!! I was worried about clean runs. I didn't want Kat to have a bad experience with her team at all. This was a confidence builder for her leading up to the games. I think that was a success.
After the first day it was very apparent that Rachel made the right decision and no one got overheated in Anchorage leaving Rachel in a great position for the Arctic winter games. I was some what shocked at her decision but look back and am amazed at how she thought it through.
Kat with little experience running our team went out and did as we asked. Clean runs and on the third day I asked her to get off the training mat and let the dogs race. She had the second fastest on the day.
Rachel on Day one ran a seven dog team that was not her usual team. She put them together on day one. had a good run on day two and had a good run on day three. Put her second by one second over all. LOL. Some awesome racing for Rachel's first eight dog race.

COngratulations to both the girls.

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