Wednesday, November 3, 2010

still no snow

Well we are still waiting for snow. It looked good for a while but then the warm weather came again and we are losing what we had. I think this is the latest we ever waited for snow. Usually we are on sleds on snow by the end of October. This season has started out totally different. Makes one wonder about the rest of the season? Most people are in the same situation as us.
We are still dealing with some local sponsors and getting our letters out to the appropriate people. Once we know who is on board we can make a race plan for the year. So far we plan to be in Alaska for the kids Christmas holidays. We usually stay home for Christmas day and leave on boxing day for Alaska. This gives us a chance to race the dogs in the junior events there. Also Leanne will race the dogs where ever possible in any adult events while we are there. This way we can get as much experience for the dog teams as possible. When we return home to the Yukon there will be some racing south of us. We would like to race Grande Prairie. Then back to Alaska for spring break and more racing. We would like to go to the Junior North American Championships in Fairbanks. then off to the Junior World Championships in Anchorage. We will come back home again to the Yukon and then back to Alaska for the Tok race of Championships. If we can get to 6-8 races or more this season it should be enough to make the season worth while and have the dogs more prepared for the 2012 Arctic Winter Games here in Whitehorse.
It is a busy season of driving and staying with friends and in hotels. We should not take it for granted though because a time will come when this lifestyle of ours comes to a close. It has been good for the kids and I think they have benefited from this sport in many ways. Who knows maybe they may start up again them selves later in life. Some grand children racing someday?????

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