Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hi everyone. Okay so Now I will say what is expected. It can quit snowing now. LOL. Isn't always the same. We have had snow since the 20th. Has not really stopped. I will guess that it is most likely around 4-6 inches now. That is lots.
The day after Rachel's first run on snow She went out with a 8 dog team of all males. 8 dog team of all females. I am sure she struggled to keep them below 19 mph. The dogs were flying. with the trail in better shape she could run them fast and it didn't hurt anyone. She averaged 18.5-19 mph for a distance of 5 miles. The dogs. look great all smiling, teeth showing and tongues hanging out just loving the speed. So nice to have the snow but the ski-doo has been going none stop to keep the trail in and ready to run on. it doesn't take much snow and it has to be groomed again to keep it packed and runnable. the trail which is a mess in the summer time with all the ruts and dips is now flat. So it is nice and Rachel trains again tonight. It will be a awesome trail again. SHe has to slow down because she is going way to fast this time of year. although her speeds will reach well over twenty mph and average of 16 -18 is fast enough this time of year.
The dog box is just about done and on the truck again. There will be some bolting down and reconnecting wires and hot water lines to do. then it is all ready to roll. I think Rachel was happy to see the box go back on the truck. We are looking forward to another season on the road going to our races. I would have to say it is a very nice group of dogs that are all the same real hard drivers, with good attitudes. Just love hanging out with them, you can tell they just want to go run hard and please Rachel every time they go train. This is the right way to do it. you do not want young dogs that do not want to go run because you gave them a bad experience during their training runs. we are looking forward to the next training run after school today. Until next post. Later.

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