Sunday, March 8, 2009

day three and final day of Junior North American championshipsionships.

     Hi everyone. The race is done. Rachel was first today and had a great time. Rachel's team looked awesome on the way in off the race trail.. The mileage was a mile or so further today. This really shows who was training in the dark days of mid winter. The times when no one wants to go out and train with their head lights on. It can be difficult for sure. Getting the team out on a regular basis is hard but we stick with a schedule during the training season. It can be very difficult telling the kids to get training when the temp is cold or windy.  Getting the dogs out and trained is the key to being successful. Rachel had a clean run and is the North American champion. Congratulations to you Rachel.

  Ben had troubles all week-end and we struggled to keep his team together. One dog was lame and we worked on her for hours. Rubbing her foot. We walked her lots. Gee-whiz (the dog) did not want to put weight on her left leg . Just before race time Ben walked Gee-whizz  and I looked at her and told Ben she looked better and she could probably run. I left the decision up to Ben. He decided to run Gee-whizz and she did awesome.  A Little sore today but she made it OK. His leader who is the oldest dog in the yard and probably running his final year led Ben to his great finish today. Ben was in fourth. He was having troubles moving up from fourth and was stuck in a rut. I kept telling him little things he could do to make a difference in his team .
  Today the six dogs ran further as well. Now the time Ben spent out training when he didn't want to will pay off.  The teams that missed training will suffer on the third day and will travel slower. Ben had a good run didn't have to shut down. Ben and his dogs ran a clean race and Be n moved up to third. ON the podium sort of speak. Awesome great week- end to Ben and Rachel. Thank to all the volunteers and trail groomers. The volunteers put allot of work into the trail and putting on the race. We all had a good week-end.  Talk to you all later.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Yahoo! Rachel, good work, give the dogs a big hug for me.
Way to go Ben, all that hard work you all put in sure pays off.