Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trip to Fairbanks

  The drive to Fairbanks went well. We stayed at Tok Alaska last night and drove here in the morning. The drive went well today until we hit the snow. It snowed and snowed. It has snowed 6 to 8 inches since eight am this morning. 
We stopped to see a friend Arleigh Reynolds in Salcha. It is about 30 miles from Fairbanks. He gave Rachel a well needed lead dog to use. He also gave us some Vet supplies and some egg powder that we have been using this season. The chickens that produced the eggs have been injected with diseases. This made the chickens make antibodies. The chickens then produce twice the  antibodies in their eggs. The eggs are then made into egg powder which is mixed with the dog food. The dogs receive the antibodies through their food. This then strengthens their immune systems so they don't pick up any sickness on the racing circuit when the dogs are exposed to so many other dogs with sicknesses. IT works, we have not had a sick dog all year which usually isn't the case after this much exposure to other dogs. 
   Ben and Rachel race tomorrow. The race itself starts at noon. Rachel and Ben  will go sometime after noon.  Ben is in the six dog. Two dogs from his world championship team are at home. Anna and Willow. They stayed because they are in heat. Rachel is in the four dog. She will have the best team we can possibly put together. Not sure yet what Ben or Rachel is running for dogs but should know by tomorrow morning or by the last time the dogs are dropped (let out of dog  box). They should be able to field two pretty strong teams. Rachel is taking the chance by using a dog she doesn't know but her other option is to use a female with a male on lead. The female is starting to come into heat so it isn't worth the problems that she could have. She will take the chance of using a new leader. I will do my best to keep everyone informed as to what the races hold as the week-end proceeds. Talk to you all later.

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