Sunday, February 22, 2009

anchorage world championships

Getting Race Ready

Hi everyone. Our three day race here in anchorage is now over. Rachel had more problems with her team again today. It was worse today because now the leaders would stop as they got to the bridges and tunnels where the team dogs would stop and make the leaders stop. Basically the team dogs stopping trained the leaders to stop as the trouble continued. Rachel worked after the race on the second day to make her team dog go over the bridge and through the tunnels. THis dog did good today but the leaders just thought that they were stopping at the tunnels and the bridges. The leaders were also stopping at the crowds of people watching the race. Rachels times were very good considering the trouble that she had. This race is very difficult for dogs because of all the obstacles that they have to go around and by. It was a good training experience for the dogs and Rachel.
Ben is now the 2009 7 dog world champion and ran a clean run today to win it. He ended up running after some ones pet dog out on the trail. He lost some time but not too much. Winning over all by less than half a second. It was very close in the end. Two very competitive teams were in 1st and 2nd. The times were a little farther behind in third and so on. Congratulations Ben. He works hard and puts his time in with the dogs but does not often finish that high in such competitive competitions. It is really nice to see him win here in Anchorage.

As for Rachel I tell here there is more lessons in losing than winning and she must take the good with the bad. She is focused on making a team for the Junior North American championships in Fairbanks in two weeks. We had a good time seeing lots of old friends and making some new ones while we were at it. Ben Rachel Morgan and Hanna go skiing tomorrow and we head home on Tues. Talk to everyone later. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Way to go Benjaminn! Congrats on your 1st Place.
Way to go Rachel, you had a lot to overcome, and your team did too. So you did marvelous to keep on going.
We are so proud of both of you for all the work you put into this.