Saturday, March 9, 2013

 Turn and burn back north.  That is what we had to do.  Right after the race we headed north again. First break was smithers.  Then we went all the way back to Whitehorse one drive.  Stopped at home and dropped off some dogs. Loaded some and headed to the IFSS world championships on North Pole.  SO far I think Rachel was having fun.  Racing different races along the way. It has been a different yr that is for sure.  We left on Feb 26th for our drive to North Pole. We wanted to get in a training run.  That run was going to be on the Weds. SO the dogs could have a day off on Thursday and race Fri. Sat. And Sun.  We made it no problem. With the bed in the back of the truck and a few drivers it makes a big difference getting to our location in time. 
  We found our hotel.  Hotel North Pole which is just a block or two from the race start.  We settled in and the following day went over to the track and Rachel went for a training run.  Buzz who was the race organizer was there and was nice enough to lend us a snowmobile and we went ahead of Rachel as she ran the six mile with some of her race team. Not all of them but at least the leaders saw the race course.  Thursday we were busy getting chips put into the dogs so they could identify the dogs during the race so no one could change dogs after each day of racing.  The humane society in Fairbanks did this for us. Then we were busy with the opening ceremonies.  We were meeting everyone and had a meal that evening. The next day the races started.  Friday the four dog went at noon and the six dog went at one pm.


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